At 57, I Went from 209lbs to 148 & Slipped Back Into My Skinny Jeans – Thanks to a Yummy Costa Rican Tea!


"Hi, my name is Lisa and I am 57 years old.

I wanted to share my story because I'm proud of losing 61lbs quite easily with the help of a Costa Rican tea that I drank daily!

For the past 20 years, ever since starting a family, I’ve had a hard time managing my weight...

I knew that having a child would leave me carrying some extra pounds...

But I didn’t realize how hard it would be to stay in shape as a mom... even for someone tall like me.

It only hit me recently how bad things were. My doctor said my blood sugar was too high and I was at risk for diabetes.

Given my inactive lifestyle, this news shouldn't have shocked me.

Yet, it did make me very scared.

When I thought about all the health problems it could cause, I was terrified.

I started to make small changes. I reduced portions and cut out snacks. I even tried some exercise.

During a stressful period at work, I found myself turning to comfort eating.

I knew it was the worst thing I could do, but in my mind, I kept coming up with excuses to justify it.

A friend of mine mentioned how she was getting amazing results with a 'Costa Rican Tea', but I didn’t believe her!

Then I came across a story in my news feed about a woman, slightly older than me, who had lost over 100 pounds using the Costa Rican Tea.

Intrigued, I decided to learn more and started drinking a few cups of the tea each day!

Just to be sure, I scheduled a video call with my doctor...

I went over the tea’s ingredients and details with him, and he told me it looked perfect for me to try.

So that's exactly what I did!

The first thing I noticed was that I was full of energy and could finally control my urges to comfort eat.

In fact, after drinking the tea in the morning, I didn’t feel hungry anymore.

Within the first few weeks, I lost nearly 2 inches from my waistwithout a strict diet or exercise.

Regaining control over my eating and seeing real results gave me a huge confidence boost, which even helped me get a promotion at work.

I kept drinking a few cups of this tea every day.

I’m feeling incredible, and I gradually started toning up.

I lost a total of 61 pounds, and my body completely transformed as I started to develop a more attractive shape.

I truly believe everyone should give the Costa Rican Tea a try—it made a huge difference for me!

Click the button below to watch the video about The Costa Rican Tea and get amazing results fast!👇

In fact, I’m confident you’ll love it!

But hurry, this video could be taken down soon.


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